Important notice

The park will be closed for one or more days during the selected period, so you can enjoy just one day of fun. If you prefer to come to the park for 2 consecutive days, change your arrival date; otherwise, continue to the next step.

You have selected a number of rooms that is lower than the requested occupancy.

The number of facilities you have selected is lower than the number of guests. If all guests will use them, the hotel will ask you an additional charge

Servizi dedicati alle mamme

Special services for parents and children – Leolandia

A variety of services for you as a mom, dad, or if you're about to become one!

For parents, nurseries are available within the Park, as well as a stroller rental service. Additionally, you'll find bottle warmers and microwaves to heat your baby's food, or if you prefer, you can purchase meals at our dining points, where you'll find our specially dedicated selection.
If you're expecting, discover the special rates for access to Leolandia and the attractions where you can have fun in total safety during pregnancy.

  • Mamme in dolce attesa
  • Expectant mothers

    Discover the rides and attractions suitable for you!

    Enjoying the park safely is particularly important in pregnancy. That’s why we offer different activities that you can enjoy, even during pregnancy: enjoy our exciting shows, explore the animal world in our Aquarium, Reptile House and Farm and take a tour of the 160 monuments in Minitalia. Learn which rides you can enjoy.

  • Per tutte le mamme
  • For all parents

    Discover the services designed for you!

    Becoming a parent comes with many responsibilities in caring for your little ones. That’s why it’s important to take some unforgettable moments for yourself during your day at Leolandia. For this reason, we’ve designed numerous services to make your visit to the park easier.

Let the magic unfold!

Choose the offer you prefer